Woman: We have no bosses here at Morning Star.
Man: I have no boss—well, everybody is basically a boss.
Other man: We don’t have a structured hiring process.
Woman: Here at Morning Star as a group, as a family unit, we’re involved and we make those decisions together.
Other man: You get the right person on the job, you don’t need to micromanage them.
These quotes are from a video about Morning Star, a company that was founded by Chris Rufer in 1970, while he was in college. As his company grew, he took a radical approach to management, in which employees take responsibility for decisions that used to be left to middle management bosses.
Apparently, his approach has worked for Morning Star. His company grew to be one of the biggest tomato product companies in the world, handling over 40% of America’s tomato production, and is one of the best examples of a self-managing company.